Thursday, November 3, 2011


I am consoling myself with candy corn that arrived this morning in box number I-can’t-even-keep-track-anymore from my parents. It seems that my move to Sweden will result in a financial bailout of the US Postal Service singlehandedly financed by my parents. Usually receiving a package from home is the highlight of my month, but today I find myself feeling melancholy even after tearing into the box like the birthday girl who’s had too much cake.
My mom is such a thoughtful person. Everything about receiving a box from home reminds me of her.  Her careful print addressing the box in bold black marker, the maternity pants that she washed before sending so I wouldn’t have more laundry to do, the cheery card with a happy puppy on the front, pumpkin spice candles because she knows how much I love them. She knows me. And I miss her. As I try not to cry into my laptop, my ever-sensitive daughter is wiping at my tears and hugging her delicate arms around my neck.
I have so much to be thankful for, starting with my compassionate little girl, my caring parents, a husband who is dedicated to his family and diligent at work. I have a sturdy roof over my head, clothing to keep me warm, and food in the pantry. I have the freedom in my relationship with the God who is above all things and assurance that he will hear and answer my prayers. As the days become shorter I resolve to focus on these things; they bring light into my dark days.


  1. I love you, Christina. You always have the right attitude, even if you're not feeling it, and that I admire very much. God sees your heart, and it's okay to feel down, or sad, or just blah. You are keeping Him sovereign, and He sees that. I wish I could hug you too, and spend time with you, go eat at Tijuana, and walk around your neighborhood (sans mosquitoes!) and dance with Gracie. You are missed, and loved, and we all can't wait for you all to get home, whenever that will be. Hang in there. As my Pastor says, it's not that we are holding onto God, its that He has us gripped in His hand, so we don't even have to worry about holding on. LOVE LOVE LOVE from Orlando! xoxo
